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Build Local Awareness with Leaflets and Cards - an important element in your local marketing plan.

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Our A-Z on building your practice with printed communications (Marketing collateral) -

the old-school way that keeps on giving.

Here's how to get going…

Word-of-mouth and referrals are an important source of new clients for therapists. For some it's their only source. Getting this channel to work optimally for your practice requires a consistent approach that builds steadily with time, and as you help more patients.  We will delve into this subject in more detail in one of our upcoming blogs, but a key component of this strategy, and almost a first step, is to build awareness of you and your practice locally, through the effective use of leaflets and business cards.

Leafleting is a relatively inexpensive and well received way to get your name out there and to put your practice on the map.

It is also something you can do outside of the web, that gives you immediate impact in your area.

A well crafted leaflet and business card helps promote who you are, what you do, who you help and how your help. It lets people know you are local. It can demystify, educate, disarm, encourage and help people to reach out to you - now that they know you. It is all part of your branding and helps build your brand over time.  Brand building is all about helping people to know, like and trust you.

When people discover you (often in the appropriate environment) in print, they can take a physical piece of your practice with them to keep at home. Where almost all other advertising is digital nowadays -out of sight, out of mind, tangible leaflets can be especially effective at cutting through the noise.

Where to distribute you leaflets and business cards:

  1. Hand out a small bunch to family and friends and ask them to give them to their own family and friends.

  2. Place them in your waiting room/clinic/office and give some to your own clients.

  3. Keep a batch in an envelope in your car and keep an eye out for opportunities to give them or display them on notice boards, etc.

  4. If you like getting out and meeting people, keep some leaflets for networking events (e.g. your local Chamber of Commerce) and lectures you might give or attend.

  5. The main bulk of leaflets will be for general distribution. Below are some ideas with potential quantities.

Tips on visiting your local doctors surgery. Your first stop should be your town’s Doctors surgeries. Call the surgery in advance to request an appointment with the doctors and staff outside of surgery hours. Introduce yourself to them and start building a relationship with them. Ask if they could recommend you to their patients, and if they could display your leaflets and business cards on their reception counter or in their waiting room. Most doctors surgeries are happy to oblige unless they have similar in-house services.  Check in a couple of time a year to see if they need more stock, and see if the leaflets are in good condition, but most of all to maintain a good working relationship.  A little token of your appreciation (card or box of chocolates) to the receptionist is always appreciated -after all, you are asking them to maintain your leaflets/cards in good condition and presented well! Draw up your list of potential outlets. Get on to Google to identify local opportunities in your area.

You list could look something like this…

If you delivered 3 times a year to establish yourself in the above places, you would need around 5,000 leaflets, keeping a few for your practice. Getting the design right, the all-important element. If you decide to invest in generating word-of-mouth and referrals as described above, we strongly recommend that you pay great attention to design.   Your collateral will represent you in your community.  It should reflect who you are and achieve the following:

  1. Impact: it has to get noticed so it should be visually stimulating.

  2. Message clarity: who you are, what you do, and how you do it, clearly explained.

  3. Respect your brand identity: aim for consistency across your website and collateral.

  4. Memorability: it must stay in people’s mind even after they’ve seen it.

  5. Call to action: it must have a clear call to action so people will contact you.

Specifications We recommend the following specifications for leaflets and business cards for therapists, favouring a tasteful understated piece over a glossy commercial production. 


  • A5 size

  • Full colour print one side

  • Premium 170gsm paper

  • Matte finish for smoother appearance and more contrast for easy readability.

Business Cards :

  • 85x55mm size

  • Full colour print one side

  • Premium 360gsm card stock

  • Matte finish for a varnished front and silky back.

A5 leaflet example

Business Card example


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